We have a lot of developers who are working on one VM for multiple customers.

Each developer works for multiple customer at one day.

Each customer has AAD Authtenication activated, so the developer needs to copy the code (prompted by VS Code in the bottom left popup) and paste it in the browser.

This works fine.

However, it happens many often during the day that VS Code is using the wrong credentials.

For example:

Developer is working for Customer A.

After some time, it start to work for Customer B.

When trying to debug Customer B, it will publish the app with the credential of customer A.

We would like to have improvement in this functionality so it does not pick the wrong credentials.

Category: Development
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for this suggestion!

We cannot support a scenario where different dependent projects have different credentials. We do support different launch configurations and the Entra (AAD) token used will depend on the tenant id specified in the launch.json.

Hence, as long as you put in the tenant id in the launch.json configuration settings for the customer your try to connect to, then the correct settings will be used - i.e., Microsoft Entra tenant id must be in the launch.json tenant parameter (if tenantid == Entra tenant id) in the primaryTenantDomain (if tenantid <> Entra tenant id). See tenant parameter in Launch JSON file - Business Central | Microsoft Learn

Best regards, Business Central Team