When a company is copied all Job Queues are left in the same state as they were in the company being copied, this means that in the new company they can continue to process.

This can cause issues if the Job Queues are used for any sort of integration. Could they either be stopped automatically or a question asked whether they should be stopped.
Category: General
Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for this suggestion! Currently this is not on our roadmap. We are tracking this idea and if it gathers more votes and comments we will consider it in the future.

Best regards,
Business Central Team



I would refine this request by asking for a spefic "Event". This is event should be triggered after the copy has finished where someone can do whatever it needs in the new Company like: setting on hold job queues, change some data and so on.

Category: General


This feature is nice, but is not enough. When copying a Production to a Test/Sendbox environment, many more changes are desired. Like changing all e-mail addresses to prevent sending documents, change user permissions or remove users, block posting in a certain period, etc.
The Admin of the environments should be able to do a lot of changes. In the old 'on prem' days we had Powershell/SQL scripts to make a copy and change data in the copy database.

Category: General