It is not possible to draw the list of locations that was counted empty after cycle counting.

With a filter and joins you are able to filter on "cycle count work" "expected quantity" = 0 in the Cycle count sheet report or counting statitics. But in none of the reports it is possible to get any results. In the cycle count work report it only show open og in progress and in the cycle count sheet report it doensnt react on the filtersettings.

I have also tried with Excel with work details, but here you are not able to pull more than one line at a time to excel.

Please make it possible to draw that list eg with counting statistics or make it possible to export more than one line at a time from Work lines.

This is to be used and shown when having audit by revisition at all out sites.

Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback. Currently this is not in our roadmap; however, we are tracking it and if we get more feedback and votes, we may consider it in the future. 



Per Lynnerup

PM, Microsoft