Currently, our configurations are set so that all email messages FROM D365 contacts, accounts, and leads are auto-tracked. Our AutoTrackSentFolderItems are also turned on so all email messages TO D365 contacts, accounts, and leads are also auto-tracked. This is important to us because sellers work as teams. So 2 sellers (both CRM Users) will engage with 1 or more Contacts. It's important that *both* Sellers have an indicator in Outlook and in D365 that the mail is tracked and what it is regarding without having to navigate to timelines to try to find IF it is tracked and what it is regarding.

For example, when seller A sends an email to a contact AND to seller B, the email in seller A's sent folder will be tracked. However, when seller B (or seller A, if they CC to themselves) receives this same email from seller A, seller B on the thread have no idea whether this email was tracked or not because emails from USERS are not auto-tracked. While the engagement will land on the timelines, the fact that there is no way of knowing whether something is tracked or its set regarding without investigating in one of many timelines or asking the original User if, is very unfriendly. I am suggesting an idea to promote shared visibility across the same email on the thread, whether it be sent or received. Seller A who sends the mail should have the indicator in their sent box (and inbox if they cc'd themselves) and Seller B who receives the mail should have the indicator in their inbox.
Needs Votes