As Kamil Sacek suggested on this github issue https://github.com/microsoft/AL/issues/4470,
it would be really helpful to set a proxy when using the HttpClient.
Category: Development
Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for this suggestion! Currently this is not on our roadmap. We are tracking this idea and if it gathers more votes and comments we will consider it in the future. Best regards, Business Central Team



I've ran into a Cloud/SaaS use case where we'd really like to have this feature.Our customer needs to connect to an external API (using the HttpClient object) that uses allowlisting/whitelisting.Unfortunately Business Central Cloud/SaaS doesn't define a dedicated IP range where all HttpClient connections originate from. In short, in static allowlist scenarios one should add all AzureCloud. (westeurope in our case) ranges.Adding a complete Azure cloud region to the allowlist is unacceptable for the third party.So, we'll have to add some sort of proxy/middleware/API Management in between to let the IP connections originate from Business Central.As an added complicating factor, the connection to the third party needs to work with a client certificate. This is well supported in modern BC versions, so from a an On-Premise install (with allowlisted IP address(es)) this works flawlessly.If we were able to use a proxy on the HttpClient object we would be able to "just" use any explicit forward proxy and still let the encryption and client certificate handling be done by Business Central.Unfortunately, without proxy support in AL (or as Volker Krausse suggested: extension/tenant wide support in BC for a proxy for every HttpClient), we'll have to come up with a different solution where we're connecting to some middleware (With a static IP address) that creates another connection to the third party. This means the middleware will need to know about and use the client certificate. And this also means that now there is a different place where administration needs to happen to keep this interface up and running. We'd really like to see this become simpler in the future.So, yes, we would really like to allow setting a Proxy for the HttpClient in SaaS/Cloud scenarios.

Category: Development


This feature still not considering along these 3 years road map?When will it be consider for this missing feature?

Category: Development


NOT having proxy settings reight now is almost a deal-breaker, at the very least highly time consuming to discuss alternatives with customers.At least proxy settings per tenant/per extension and exposing an HttpClientFactory producing HttpClients with such settings ...would ...be ...nice.

Category: Development


Proxy is a standard feature and must-have.

Category: Development


We need this feature to update our customers to Universal Code

Category: Development


Feature is a definite must have.

Category: Development


Function is needed urgent by using request without .net.

Category: Development


Yes, we also need this to update some customers to Universal Code.

Category: Development


We need this. We can't update some customers to Universal Code if we don't have this feature.

Category: Development


+1, as Patrick Schiefer pointed out already: it's a critical missing feature.

Category: Development

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