Im aktuellen Release von Dynamics CRM online ändern sich bei einer Änderung des Besitzers eines Kontakts auch alle Daten für bereits bestehende Aktivitäten, z.B. Emails.
Laut Support ist das kein Bug, sondern ein Feature.
Ich finde dieses "Feature" höchst sinnlos, denn ich möchte in den Aktivitäten einen schnellen Überblick über die Kommunikationshistorie mit einem Kontakt oder Lead erhalten. Dieser Überblick geht sofort verloren, wenn überall das gleiche Datum steht.
Als Beispiel habe ich einen Screenshot abgelegt.
Diesen Kontakt habe ich mir am 6.12.2013 um 10:53 selbst zugewiesen - alle alten Aktivitäten tragen jetzt diese Datum. Das ist höchst sinnlos, bitte ändern Sie das im nächsten Release.
Danke Ihnen,
mit freundlichen Grüßen
Holger Löbel
(Sorry, my German is good enough to read your suggestion, but not to reply in your own language.) Check the relationship behaviors between the Contact entity and each type of activity. (zB look at the 1:N relationship from Contact:Phone Call, Contact:Task, usw) It looks like you have this set to the default "Parental" template, so when you re-assign the owner of the Contact it also reassigns the owner on all the activities. Because this reassign changed the activities, it changes the "Modified On" date. Unfortunately, this date is used for sorting activities in the social pane, rather than the planned end / actual end. I would recommend you change the behavior to Configurable Cascading and then change the Assign action to "Cascade Active", so that completed activities are unchanged while open ones are reassigned (or change it to None if that fits your business processes better).
Category: Unified Experience: Search, navigation and performance
Seems like Adam has answered the question here. I think this is not an issue with the product - but more a configuation based one. Thanks! ====================== Prashanth GanapathyRaj PM, Dynamics CRM, Microsoft ======================
Category: Unified Experience: Search, navigation and performance
Dynamics 365 Sales (administrator) on 9/14/2020 12:08:29 PM
Thank you for your feedback. We are declining/closing this idea as it has been open for more than 2 years and has not received sufficient numbers of votes. If the idea is still valid, request you to re-submit the idea.