Purchase Requisition workflow is not working as expected with workflow condition - Amount excluding tax when the system exchange rate type in the system parameters and Accounting currency exchange rate type in the Ledger setup configured with different values.
Example: System exchange rate type as "Group" and Accounting currency exchange rate type as "Unit" and configure the workflow condition as Purchase requisitions. Approval amount > Value > 30000CNY.
Business Scenario:
Creating Purchase requisitions through workflow with above mentioned condition
1.Create the purchase requisition with “Purchase requisitions. Approval amount excl tax > value 3000CNY”
2. Purchase Requisition workflow history: As per the condition mentioned above the workflow One -off Purchase workflow condition evaluated should be “False”. But always the conditions is going to “True” only.
Ideas Administrator

Appreciate you taking the time to feedback. We however do not have any plans to provide this support for SCM Procurement and Sourcing.