We propose changing how the vendor balance list is generated to better reflect scenarios in which certain vendors have transactions pending approval, so it would actually take into consideration said transactions when showing the balance.


As the functionality currently stands, at the time of generating the vendor balance list, if we don't change the criteria to group and sort the results, the balance list will include all transactions corresponding to the vendor. This results in eschewed amounts in environment configurations that involve transaction approvals via a separate account and do not reflect the factual amounts transacted with the vendor.


If we change the criteria to group and sort by main account, the system shows both the transaction pending approval and the actual payable account separately, this results in more accurate amounts in the sense that the results do reflect the right amounts transacted with the vendor except in scenarios in which there are transactions pending approval, as these aren't taken into consideration when generating the vendor balance list.


While it's true that transactions not yet approved don't need to be added to the actual vendor balance (until approved, that is) these need to be taken into consideration while generating this list.


We propose making the option to only generate the balance list based on vendor transactions (vendtrans) When group by vendor is selected. That way the balances will be correct in the scenarios described above.
