We need a way of disabling/enabling a existing index which was created in another extension such as base extension using a table extension. This will allow developers to not only create new key in their extension but also disable unused key due to customization and change in business process. Please see my suggested syntax below for this. In this example Key18 and Key17 are altered and a new key Tune6 is created.

This will give developers and application tuning professionals tools to remove unused indexes and SIFT to reduce database space and to improve speed of the application by adding missing index and SIFT.

tableextension 50001 "Cust Ledger Ext" extends "Cust. Ledger Entry"


key(Tune6; "Document No.", "Posting Date")
//Enabled = false;
SumIndexFields = "Sales (LCY)";
IncludedFields = "Adjusted Currency Factor";
//MaintainSiftIndex = false;
//MaintainSqlIndex = false;

MaintainSiftIndex = false;
MaintainSqlIndex = false;
Enabled = false;

MaintainSiftIndex = true;
MaintainSqlIndex = true;
Enabled = true;



Category: Development
Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for this suggestion! Currently this is not on our roadmap. We are tracking this idea and if it gathers more votes and comments we will consider it in the future. Best regards, Business Central Team