In enterprise scale projects comprising multiple managed CRM Solutions, it is crucial to have the ability to determine the effect (and intended effect) of layering solutions. Which field(s) get exposed or hidden due to the layering of solutions and how they are managed by solution framework is highly challenging. When multiple solutions contain the same components it becomes even more difficult - the effect of importing or removing a solution can significantly effect the functionality and behavior of the application.
There is a product whitespace in visualizing/determining the why a field is or is not present for example. It would advantageous to have a visualization tool to produce such a graph with meaningful information (i.e. field X created by solution a, display name changed by Solution b which is dependent on solution a, hidden by solution c which is dependent on Solution b for example). it would also be highly valuable to be able to drill up/down through such a visualization by entity, form, field etc.

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