Description: If the confirmed shipment date is updated in the intercompany sales order header and we confirm to transfer and update the information on to the lines, the discount value is removed and the total value is updated on both intercompany sales order, the original sales order and the purchase order.
Related information: Details for issue 667617 (dynamics.com) by design.
Suggestion: a feasible solution to allow the change of the confirmed shipment date on the header and to keep all discounts/discounts groups with the total value on the whole chain of the intercompany sales order.
Administrator on 1/5/2023 4:08:03 PM
Have you tried activating the feature: Update prices and discounts entered manually for intercompany. When this feature is enabled, the "Update price and discounts" dialog option will be displayed after making changes to the intercompany orders. This dialog option can be used to either update or keep prices and discounts details on the intercompany orders.". Please log an new idea if this does not work