If I run the report G/L - VAT Reconciliation (11), the sale of a fixed asset is not displayed correctly. As the sales of a fixed asset creates multiple VAT-Entries with only one sales-invoice-line, BC will write the wrong account-no on the VAT-Entries.


The total amount in the report is the total of VAT-entries table with this general ledger account ussed. But if we analze the entries, the base amount taken by the system is wrong (whole amount of the sales invoice and not only the amount, which has really been posted to the "fixed-asset-sales-account-no".

I therefore assume that BC is not able to handle the situation, where it has to create several vat-entries out of one line (example selling a fixed asset with an sales invoice – there we have one line and generate several vat-entries). 

Needs Votes




Do you use the "VAT on Net Disposal" flag in the Depreciation Book?

How comes you have more than 1 VAT Entry?

Category: Reports and Business Intelligence