Advanced warehouse functionality:
When using licence plate receiving and licence plate un-packing on a load I was wondering if we could get a function where put-away work is created by "un-packed" licence plate.
I had several business scenarios where products are received in a container and packed within boxes within the container. Setting up a load and registering the products using the package structure feature works nicely, un-packing the licence plate into it's boxes awesome.
As a next step I'd like to create one put-away work for one of the "un-packed" cartons instead of individual put-away work for each product.
great idea
Category: Warehouse Management
Administrator on 5/3/2022 7:11:28 AM
Updating status due to large number of suggestions. Currently this is not in our roadmap; however, we are tracking it and if we get more feedback and votes, we may consider it in the future.
Per Lykke Lynnerup
PM, Microsoft