Crossdocking is a powerful feature, however it does not really work with serialized items. Scenario:

  • A sales order with item X / 100 pcs / serial number controlled / warehouse A1
  • A transfer order for the transfer of item X from warehouse B1 to A1
  • Release sales order to the warehouse for the creation of the crossdocking link
  • Picking of the transfer order (1 license plate for 100 pcs)
  • Confirm shipment of the transfer order
  • Receipt of the transfer order in Warehouse A1 (license plate receipt)

When you receive the transfer order in warehouse A1, Dynamics creates for each serial number a seperate work id. That's really not efficient, because you have to execute each work idea separate. For our scenario it means 100 work id's. I would be useful if we get a solution/new feature which creates only one work id per license plate with multiple serial numbers.

Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback. Currently this is not in our roadmap; however, we are tracking it and if we get more feedback and votes, we may consider it in the future. 

Per Lynnerup
PM, Microsoft