Crossdocking is a powerful feature, however it does not really work with serialized items. Scenario:
- A sales order with item X / 100 pcs / serial number controlled / warehouse A1
- A transfer order for the transfer of item X from warehouse B1 to A1
- Release sales order to the warehouse for the creation of the crossdocking link
- Picking of the transfer order (1 license plate for 100 pcs)
- Confirm shipment of the transfer order
- Receipt of the transfer order in Warehouse A1 (license plate receipt)
When you receive the transfer order in warehouse A1, Dynamics creates for each serial number a seperate work id. That's really not efficient, because you have to execute each work idea separate. For our scenario it means 100 work id's. I would be useful if we get a solution/new feature which creates only one work id per license plate with multiple serial numbers.
Needs Votes
Administrator on 3/5/2024 12:05:57 PM
Thank you for your feedback. Currently this is not in our roadmap; however, we are tracking it and if we get more feedback and votes, we may consider it in the future.
Per Lynnerup
PM, Microsoft