Currently the copy/paste function is only available within a specific guide.
When creating a guide more often than not you need a few steps or even task to be included at the beginning or ending of the guide and it would be very handy to be able to just copy paste them from one guide to the other.

While you could make a new copy of the guide and delete the steps/tasks that you don't need to do the above, when you want to upgrade a few different guides with a new task or set of steps you still need to open each guide individually and copy paste everything.

Not to mention repositioning everything in 3D space after creating said steps.
Category: General
Needs Votes



Yes, this could be very useful.The first step is always a safety step and the last is always a "clean the HoloLens and put it back in the charger". Would be nice if you could copy this from guide to guide.

Category: General


Yes, this is needed badly. The fact that you cannot even copy a task inside the same Guide blows my mind. This costs so much time...

Category: General


That or option of embeding/nesting guide inside guide.

Category: General