Intuit and other programs have spoiled me to entering dates/times. Their fields are so incredibly easy.

A. You can enter dates with many different delimiters and it just understands you.

1 2 2023 or 1.2.2023, or 1/2/2023 or 1 2 23 or 1.2.23 or 1/2/23 = 1/2/2023

1 2 or 1.2 or 1/2 or 1-2 = 1/2/current year

B. Entering time is much more intuitive and the colon is not necessary

445 = 4:45 AM unless you have it follow your business hours and if they are say 8-5 then = 4:45PM

1215 = 12:15 AM or if the start field already has a time after 12:15AM it = 12:15PM

1645 = 4:45PM

8 = 8:00 AM or if the start field already has a time after 8:00 AM it = 8:00 PM

9am = 9:00 AM

2pm = 2:00 PM

C. Shortcuts for dates/times are nice too:

t = today

n = now (time)

+ or - = advance or back a day

shift + or - = advance or back an hour

w = first day of current week

k = last day of current week


Category: Field Service