Please enable greater functionality for Embedded PowerBI Reports in PowerApp Portals and Power Pages.

Please enable:

  • Custom sized PowerBI Reports in Portals, including the ability to size as an entire page in a portal if possible.
  • Ability to Remove and/or relocate (to top of report) the NavigationBar from PowerBI Reports Embedded in Portals.
  • Ability to remove the Filter Pane of Embedded PowerBI Reports in Portals.

The current PowerBI Embedded functionality limits it to "height: 600px".

I have tried to manually override the 600px height with my own custom CSS many different ways.

The Microsoft Support Team has tried to achieve the same with custom CSS as well as custom java, in the end, they were unable to manually override the height and asked me to lodge a feature request.

Please add more extensibility to the Embedded PowerBI functions of Portals.

thank you kindly in advance.

Category: General