In around March,April 2024 we`re able to use the Trigger "E-Mail-Link clicked" in a (Condition Block -> Series), not in relation to the specific E-Mail Link before that series block. After some time around July 2024 we saw that this was "a bug" but we nearly built on every our customers side journeys with exact that pattern. We now have the problem that we cannot use that functionality anymore with not quite the same outcome as we proposed to our customers. Our possibility to send a reminder E-Mail for our first E-Mail is now limited and we need to build the journey in 2 seperate journeys. First one for sending out an E-Mail and a waiting element so we can ensure the Link is clicked for our second journey (which begins with the trigger "E-Mail Link clicked" and the specific Condition for that exact Link click. The use of 2 Journeys instead of one is in our opinion not very clean, but atleast an option.

We would wish that that "bug" functionality will come back, because we think that will be a high value for our customers.

So in our thinking we are able to select "A trigger is actived" insinde of that conditon Series and put the E-Mail Link clicked Condition with the wished Specific E-Mail Link clicked -> Target URL is "xyz" and "do this (for example wait 2 hours and send a Reminder E-Mail until) that specific Link is clicked. Now we can only filter the first Link that is clicked and that is not convenient.
