Currently the checkout flow for cash payments is as follows:
1. Select Pay Cash
2. Enter received cash amount
3. Enter receipt email /print receipt
4. Display cash change amount
It is not common and not realistic to take the customers money, stand there holding the customers money, asking them to put in their email for the receipt and only AFTER that give them back their change.
The flow should be changed to:
1. Select Pay Cash
2. Enter received cash amount
3. Display cash change amount
4. Enter receipt email /print receipt
The current functionality is a bit of an awkward customer interaction. Just doesn't make sense.E.g. The product is €150. The customer wants to pay with €200 cash. The store assistant has to start asking how would you like your electronic receipt to be sent? Obtains email address, then they sort out the change of €50 after the cash drawer opens. Then you get asked again, would you like to print a receipt on the thermal printer. But if the customer pays with a credit card, it works normally (as you would expect from the customer's point of view). You settle the payment and then you can ask the customer if they would like an electronic receipt emailed to them and then print the thermal receipt if required.
Category: Payment processing