To streamline and improve the management of country-specific extensions for your Business Central offering on AppSource, I propose the following solution:

1. Introduction of a New Section in Technical Configuration in Marketplace Offering (Partner Center)

  • Country-Specific Extensions: This new section would allow partners to define and manage extensions specific to each country or a group of countries.

Key Features:

  • Country Selection: Ability to select one or more countries for which the extension is applicable. For closely related countries like Germany and Austria, you can define a single extension for both.
  • Extension Management: It would also be nice if these country-specific extensions didn't show up in Extension Management and could be uninstalled or updated with the main App.

2. Integration with AppSource Backend API

Enhancements to the API:

  • New Endpoints: Introduce new API endpoints to support the creation, update, and deletion of country-specific extensions.

3. Enhancements to BCContainerHelper

E.g. New CmdLets:

  • New-AppSourceCountryExtension: This CmdLet will facilitate the creation of new country-specific extensions from the command line.
  • Example Usage: New-AppSourceCountryExtension -Name "German Delivery Reminder" -Countries "DE", "AT" -ExtensionFiles "path/to/extension/file"

4. Benefits of the Proposed Solution

  • Scalability: Allows for scalable and maintainable management of country-specific extensions.
  • Efficiency: Reduces the complexity of maintaining separate offerings for each country.
  • Compliance: Ensures that extensions meet local regulatory and business requirements.
  • Ease of Use: Simplifies the submission process through the Partner Center and BCContainerHelper.

A good example of country specific code is in Germany and Austria there are additional tables for Issued Delivery Reminder Header to remind the vendor that he/she has not delivered good as agreed.

Another example is the Swiss version of Business Central, where there is an additional payment logic called QR Bill, where you get the amount and bank information in a QR barcode to pay your supplier invoices.

By implementing this solution, you will be able to manage country-specific extensions more effectively, ensuring better quality integrations and easier maintenance across different regions.

Category: Development
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for this suggestion! Currently this is not on our roadmap. We are tracking this idea and if it gathers more votes and comments we will consider it in the future. Best regards, Business Central Team