Modify the code which prevents deletion of VAT Posting Setup if G/L Entries with the combination of VAT Bus. Posting Group/VAT Prod. Posting Group exist to look at the VAT Entries and if they have been reported and closed then deletion of the VAT Posting Setup should be allowed.

Alternatively have a "Blocked" flag on the VAT Posting Setup which prevents posting to any combination of VAT Bus. Posting Group/VAT Prod. Posting Group that is blocked.

VAT Posting Setup created in error, e.g. VAT Bus. Posting Group = UK/VAT Prod. Posting Group = '' (blank). VAT % for this combination is zero and as a result transactions can be posted with this VAT Bus./VAT Prod. Posting Group combination.

This comes to light when the client processes their VAT Return. The entries are corrected, VAT is reported and Calc. & Post VAT Settlement is run to close the VAT Entries.

The client would then like to delete (or block) this incorrect VAT Posting Setup to prevent further incorrect postings but currently are unable to do so.
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