I'd really would like to be able to set the "Sampling Interval" (like we can do OnPrem) on BC SaaS. The reason is because it looses most of the methods that run faster then 100ms, while 100ms is quite high already .. .

Either a way to make the interval smaller - or even better: a switch to enable "instrumentation" would be perfect!

It would already be very helpful if we could "only" do it in a sandbox only, since we should be able to copy and replicate production in a sandbox.. .

Category: Development
2023 Release Wave 2
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for this suggestion! 

We are addressing this ask in 2023 release wave 2. 

With the launch.json snapshot configuration parameter profileSamplingInterval, AL developers can choose the interval at which the sampling will be collected. Current options are {50ms, 100ms, 150ms}. The default value is 100ms.

Likewise, in the in-client performance profiler, there is a new Settings action, where you can select the same sampling internal options. Again, 100ms is the default.

Best regards, Business Central Team