

This is still a pain point and would expect this validation would've been standard functionality of the project stages. If open Chargeable transactions exists, the system should be smart enough to prevent closure of the project.


Ye agree excel or csv data format should be same. Ideally for big data export we should option to have export csv.and it's format should aligned with headers


Thank you :)


I agree this is important. We currently use a third-party solution, but, beside cost, it is a bit complicated. If Microsoft implemented something simpler, it would be a big bonus.Unfortunately, the Shopify solution is not ready yet in our opinion. It does lack some B2B capabilities, but the connector is quickly improving so maybe soon?


When Microsoft will consider this important idea? It helps to be compliant as well. Auditors ask to have a workflow for vendor creation. The onboarding should be improved in order to use it for internal purpose and not only for external.No make sense to have an approval workflow for few fields that changes in vendor master table and not have a wf for vendor creation.


A great idea, definitely useful to put it on the roadmap.


This would be fantastic!


Please bring back email heat mapping in real time marketing. Without it we now have to build segments for links to check email performance.


We have ''View in Browser' link in Outbound Marketing. It would be great if we can add 'View in Browser ' link in emails in Real Time marketing as well.Thanks,Fariha


Hi Microsoft team,My team and I are working with customer insights journeys and it would be a great improvement if you could create a "clone" button in the navigation bar, to duplicate an email template on real-time journeys. As you know, now we can only copy part of the email or use the content block, but not the entire email template with his attributes and properties which would be nice.Thank you very much for your support and help to make dynamics 365 user friendly.Christian


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