When I run the report "Role to user assignment" there is no possibility to apply a filter with table joins. These would be necessary to filter a list of certain roles (typical business case: who has been granted sysadmin, etc.). Obviously the report is a ammended copy of the "User role assignments" report, where the reporting scope is the other way around (Which role is granted to which user?).

However, although the appearance of the two reports is different, the primary table for applying filters is still the same. If the primary table for applying filters would be changed to the security role table, you wouldnt even need to create a join to apply a typical filter like a certain role name.

Of course there are many other ways of finding out role to user assignments, but from an auditing point of view it is better to have a system built-in ready-to-share report, which works and only produces the amount of paper/pages, which is actually necessary.

External reporting tools are fine but always need to be set up and verified. Especially when dealing with critical information.

Category: General



I second this agreement. We need better reports for auditing purposes.

Category: General


I fully agree with Grant. We need such a report.

Category: General