Would love the capability to invoice PSA projects in BC with a built in adapter capability.
Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for this suggestion! Currently this is not on our roadmap. We are tracking this idea and if it gathers more votes and comments we will consider it in the future.

Best regards,
Business Central Team



this is a must

Category: Project Management


Voted! We are really waiting for this integration to happen, this is highly needed.

Category: Project Management


This is an area we have been battling with for a while now. As we cannot integrate with PO we are looking to third part companies like Siemens and other non-microsoft solutions

Category: Project Management


Hi,Most mid-sized companies would propably use/need Business Central, since F&O is not for everyone!It makes total sense to have a native integration with our own tool and a major competitive advantage over other solutions out there. And we notice this by talking with customers, and seeing the need coming from business that either have or want a PO & BC combo.

Category: Project Management


this feature would drastically improve our productivity as well as that of our customers. Are there already further development approaches to this?


Category: Project Management


In SMB sector there’s a need for this Dynamics 365 Business Central & Project Operations native integration. Existing PSA systems on the market are not quite good enough and the combination Business Central + Project Operations would be tough to beat.

Please do this integration and make it available to the customers. And please notice the Business Central + Project Operations licensing also.



Category: Project Management


Agreed. We would otherwise look for a third party product for our project needs.

Category: Project Management


Integration with Project Operations is a must.

Category: Project Management


VOTED !! I think this should be a must !!! Project for Operations (PSA before) is great but a lot of customers are already using Business Central, not Finance. It's complicated for Partners explain that we must build a custom integration.

Category: Project Management