Currently, a single setting under AR parameters controls the number of days to expire authorizations for all card types. However, card companies have different rules for expiring authorizations. For example, VISA expires authorizations after 7 days while MasterCard allows authorizations to be valid for 30 days.
2024 Release Wave 1
Brian Shook (administrator) on 2/1/2024 4:54:14 PM
Thank you for the suggestion. We are planning to bring this capability in with our non-recurring token support feature, targeted for 10.0.40 release. Setting the authorization expiration per card type will allow going beyond the single environmental setting currently used to mark authorizations expired. Card Type expiration settings will give flexibility to the type of payment card utilized, allowing longer timeframes for most (example 30 days) and shorter for those types that run less longer authorizations periods (example: some debit card issuers).