I would like to suggest the following changes to an idea of a report that currently is not meeting its potential in my mind.

A) Remove "Starting date" parameter input field (always 1st of the year... kind of not to any use here..)

Add: Balance as of Date/Ending Date: date/period. (let logic behind set starting date to the first of january the same year as input in Ending Date. Example as of 2022-02-28 would present jan and Feb values in those periods in the output - but NOT anything with a posting date after 2022-02-28.

B) Add a Year Total at the end of the report that summarises according to the "As of input" in my example YTD as of 2022-02-28. (For Balance accounts including starting balance of the year)

C) Update the layout format to enable export to excel functionality

D) Add export to excel functionality

E) Now this is the feature that could make this one a hero....! Make the report interactive using report amounts so that clicking any amount in the report will take you to the general entries view filtered and only showing the transactions that are included in the sum of that account and period that you where interested in..! Wow!

NOTE in a new tab so that you aren't kicked out from your report and have to re-run it from start.

F) Clicking a Year Total (as suggested in B) will include transactions in all periods and if balance starting balance)

G) Hygiene factor fix: Only include Accounts with a transaction or starting balance for chosen period by default. Add choice to also include accounts without transactions though.

A start is born.

Needs Votes