1) Allow determining / filtering what Users are pulled in from Office 365 when the "Get Users from Office 365" function on the "Users" Page in D365BC is run.

2) Allow deleting those Users in D365BC that have been pulled in incidentally (they do not have any ledger entries yet).

3) When the "Get Users from Office 365" function on the "Users" Page in D365BC is run, ONLY those User who have D365BC Essentials, Team Member or Premium license assigned to them must be pulled in.

Thank you!

Category: General
Needs Votes



We have a great deal of users who need Office 365 access but do not need Business Central access. It does not make any sense for them to become a Business Central user until they actually need access to Business Central. It just muddies the water of keeping track of Users on Business Central.

Category: General