There is no form that provides a full list of active purchase prices then allows edits to those prices (like the vendor, customer, and release products form does. We need the ability to select all prices for a list of items (not one at a time).

3 issues:

  1. There is no way to edit purchase prices using a list of items
  2. When a purchase price is created and a price already exists with the same dimensions--then the price should override that existing record---not create a new price.
  3. It would be nice to have a form that displayed all active purchase prices. I know we can create our own inquires and reports but this would be very helpful and would provide a launching pad for the Edits by item.

I wanted to attach an annotated document but I see I cant attach documents so I will paste the contents below (without pictures). Feel free to call me with questions. I am submitting this on behalf of my client Kaiyi Wang from Genera. I agree with him 100%

How to update prices for a list of items

My client wants to be able to update purchase prices for a list of items. He might have a list of 100 items and each of those items might have 2 or 3 prices for different vendors.

Ideally, he was hoping to use the SELECT function on the trade agreement form to select and copy in prices for a list of items. I showed him the "is one of" feature which would work GREAT for this purpose.

Unfortunately, it does not work on the SELECT function in Trade Agreements:

He clicks Table in the Items section and copies his list of parts to the clipboard (see next page)

He drops down the arrow on the relation box and then pastes his list of parts into the Item number drop down. This appears to work fine and his list of parts are written into this list. He then clicks SELECT and the list is lost (or it just takes the first part).

I showed the client how to use TEXTJOIN to put a list of items in a comma-delimited string.

When we pasted that list into the Item Number (relation) box we found that it cuts off the list after about 14 items.

What would be wonderful is to have this SELECT function allow filters on the Item Master so that we can select items using a filter or use other attributes like product line for selection.

At least increase the item list so that we can enter a reasonable list of item numbers.

The only other solution is to copy in ALL parts. They have over 100,000 prices which makes it very difficult to manage the price changes that are required. 

I have tried showing him many things:

  1. Changing prices from the Vendor Form
  2. Changing prices from the Items form
  3. Changing prices using the export to Excel
  4. Using data management and exporting with a filter

For all my proposed solutions, the client complains about the volume or difficulty.

For example:

·        If he changes from the vendor form—then he must repeat this for each vendor.

·        He can't copy in a list of items for a trade agreement—he has to update all parts when changing from a trade agreement or change one part or one vendor at a time or a list with commas (which is not helpful when dealing with a few hundred parts).

·        If he changes prices from the item form—he is only changing for one part at a time.

Right now, the only ways I can suggest to him is:

·        Change prices one vendor at a time using the edit selected line's function.

·        Export all 100,000+ prices and then change prices in the spreadsheet and update. This takes hours!

This has always been an issue for me (I have done consulting for AX for 19 years). You would really make my job easier if you could expand the ability to select prices to change by item and item related fields.

It would also be lovely to have a form that displays all purchase prices then allows the user to select items from that list. This would solve 2 issues: 


·        Allow select by item.

·        Provide a list of all active prices.

This would make my life easier – it would be nice not to be terrified when asked to train on purchase prices because users hate it so much!


Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Thank you very much for your input. Great idea. We do however not have any plans to extend existing capabilities, but we will monitor how much in demand this is.