Please add support for accepting Adyen Google Pay and Adyen Apple Pay using the Dynamics 365 Adyen Payment Connector. (Or create separate connectors that support each method of payment).

Many websites support these populate method of payments. And customers wish to be able to authorize against these payments on the website, then create a sales order within D365 F&SC, storing the authorization information. And then have standard call center functionality handle capturing these payments on invoicing of the sales order. As well as support for re-authorizing the payment if the authorization goes stale, voids, and refunds, as defined by the IPaymentProcessor interface.

Thank you for your consideration!

Ideas Administrator

Google Pay is now avaialble and Apple Pay is planned for 10.0.30/31.



It looks like this has already been built: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365-release-plan/2022wave1/commerce/dynamics365-commerce/apple-pay-dynamics-365-payment-connector-adyenhttps://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365-release-plan/2022wave1/commerce/dynamics365-commerce/google-pay-dynamics-365-payment-connector-adyenThanks, you can close this one.

Category: Payment processing