A vendor return is created (purchase order with negative lines) for an intercompany vendor in company A. This generates an intercompany sales return order in company B.
Now it's required to ship to goods from company A using WHS processes, but in the purchase order there is no way to "Release to warehouse". Therefore all the capabilities of the warehouse processed cannot be used for shipping returned godos to vendors.
Third project in a row that needs this process to work in WMS. Escpecially when they need an outbound shipment to be included in a load.
Category: Warehouse Management
This is very much of a must have. I can't believe this is not on the roadmap, since a return to vendor is a standard flow which is used by almost any company which I already brought live on D365 F&O. Next to that it is quite hard to implement a complete WMS-warehouse and then the return to vendor flow needs to be executed manually inside of the ERP. This caused a lot of overhead and is very inconvenient for a lot of my customers.
Category: Warehouse Management
This feature / function is required not only for Intercompany orders but also how all purchase returns are handled in WMS App. We need function to release to warehouse lines which have a 'negative' (stock removal) indication. This should work in similar way how the Sales Pick / Put work - just that the reference has to be of a 'Vendor ID' instead of a 'Customer'
Category: Warehouse Management
This is a basic and essential feature needed to utilize WHS processes fully for vendor returns. Without the ability to "Release to warehouse" for vendor returns, we miss out on leveraging warehouse automation and efficiency.
Category: Warehouse Management
This is a requirement for most projects I have had to work on.
Category: Warehouse Management
This is required in every project, it is a pretty basic requirement and hopefully will be supported soon.
Category: Warehouse Management
This is a much-needed functionality. Wondering why this is not in the roadmap.
Category: Warehouse Management
This feature is required. Even a normal vendor return process is required through AWS.
Category: Warehouse Management
Keeping this alive. This is a must have.
Category: Warehouse Management
I had this requirement from many customers aswell. right now we are handling this scenario using a manual workaround which is time taking and prone to errors during posting.
Category: Warehouse Management
Administrator on 2/22/2018 10:16:03 AM
Thank you for your feedback. Currently this is not in our roadmap; however, we are tracking it and if we get more feedback and votes, we may consider it in the future.
Mirza Abdic'
Senior PM, Microsoft