This is probably one of, if not the, worst report in BC, it doesn't even have the component item description.
This report would be a great report to put some effort into, create some word layout alternatives, etc.
Category: Manufacturing
Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for this suggestion! Currently this is not on our roadmap. We are tracking this idea and if it gathers more votes and comments we will consider it in the future.

Best regards,
Business Central Team



Also look at printing the correct material components at the correct routing steps when using routing link codes please.

Category: Manufacturing


Please also consider lot and sn information.

Category: Manufacturing


Report 5500 "Prod. Order Comp. and Routing" is quite good to start with. Though it has a it different layout, but is far more better than the 990000762 report. And this can be changed on the Report Selections.

Though, I do agree, that the 990000762 report is quite awful report, and it does not serve a purpose.

Category: Manufacturing


I use a version that a developed myself on EVERY implementation because the standard one is so bad.
I would happily give you my version as a starting point if it pushed this one up the list :-)

Category: Manufacturing