Currently sales and marketing allows the registration of prospects and future prospects can be converted into customers, however there is no option for user to record items for potential sales. Not having the option to register items for potential sales, based on customer demands, consumer inquiry, season of the year, technology or product most preferred enhacements, user may track this items conventionally. Having the option to easily identify an item registration, and item potential registration, user or purchasing agents, may future better identify potential item specifications before purchase acquisition, or before purchase requisitions, user may start gathering potential selling dates, potential item evaluation, potential consumer evaluation, potential selling targets, item potential selling offers and discounts, item potential trade agreements, item potential substition, item potential revenue. User may future compare item demands and item needs before is release to the market and before is released to a legal entity. Having the option to register a potential item, before is sellable to the market and before is released to legal entities, the user may be able to capture item demand needs, potential targets requesting the item, the user could potentially add potential targets, attach potential trade agreements, potential vendor outsourcing, seasons, price history. Not having the option to register an item before the item is sellable to the market, and not having the option to track item customer demands and/or potential ideal enhancements for purpose of item safety, item compliance, item minimum and maximum contribution preferred ratios, or item preferred color or style, user may track this conventionally outside the system.

Ideas Administrator

Appreciate you taking the time to feedback. We however do not have any plans to provide this support for SCM Sales and Marketing.