Via a batch "Release sales order to warehouse" or "Release transfer orders to warehouse" Dynamics 365 SCM can release the orders automatically to the warehouse for picking. In the query of the batch you can configure a condition that the ship date must be equal to today for the automatic release to the warehouse. Unfortunately, it is not possible to add a "shipment window", for example the shipment date of today + 2 days in future. There other limitation is that you cannot set up the query in such a way that it does not release the sales orders where the shipment date is empty.

In short:

·        A condition that the batch only releases order lines with shipment date of today + 2 days is not possible to set up.

·        A condition that the batch only releases order lines with a shipment date is not possible to set up. (in combination with the first condition)

A new feature that would allow to set up rules that allows the system to release order lines within a time window and ignores the order lines without ship date would be useful. The new feature would be useful for automatic release of the orders to pick and ship them in advance.  

Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback. This is already supported by using the advanced filtering and query syntax - for example: (DayRange(0,2))

Please refer to the following link for more information:




Per Lynnerup

PM, Microsoft