We have the ability to set default views but this is at system level across all model driven apps

I would like to set different default views for different model driven apps without impacting the system wide defaults
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Obvious feature, would be so good to have!

Category: Unified Experience: Search, navigation and performance


Agreed. It can be done through editing the sitemap and adding a link to the specific view desired, but this deprives users from setting their own default view different from the system-wide one, as the link will always redirect to the view specified by the sitemap. I don't think the workaround can be considered a "true" solution, and it would make much more sense that we can set a specific default view either by security role or by application.

Category: Unified Experience: Search, navigation and performance


Agreed. We do have different model driven app based on security roles pointing to the same table. We would want the ability to set different default views for the each application.

Category: Unified Experience: Search, navigation and performance


Selecting an explicit view for a model-driven application can be achieved by editing the model-driven application. You then click pages, add or select the table-based view and form, and then select the view and explicitly add the view or views you want the model-driven application to use. All views will be available by default if no views have been explicitly selected. Making this change only affects the model-driven application and will not affect the default view for the table/entity.

I think this idea can be closed.

Category: Unified Experience: Search, navigation and performance


Definitely need this so that the correct view is shown in the context of the app - should be able to optionally override the default view for a subarea

Category: Unified Experience: Search, navigation and performance


This would be a great feature, I would also be happy if you could specify the view id when you add the subarea. E.g. we´ve come across scenarios where (from within the same area) we would like to add more than one sub-area referring to the same entity but different views. We would benefit from an option to add view id were in the sub-area form, which tells the app to open that specific view for the selected table/entity.

Category: Unified Experience: Search, navigation and performance


This would be a great feature. Our use case is that we have one "Group" of the model driven app where we deal with the accounts entity as vendors and it would be nice to set the default view for the account list in this group to our filtered vendors view.

Category: Unified Experience: Search, navigation and performance


I am a D365 consultant with a large firm and I hear this request all the time. Frequently the companies I work with have model-driven apps for different departments and users request this functionality all the time.

Category: Unified Experience: Search, navigation and performance


Agreed. We have multiple apps for different departments that rely on a particular entity, but the default view needs to be different. We understand that changing the view is simple enough, but when the app tab is used hundreds of times, the productivity wanes over time.

Category: Unified Experience: Search, navigation and performance