On table 1706 Deferral Posting Buffer there is an action called Update. It combines line for deferrals, i wish for there to be a subscriber here, so i can split the deferral lines into my own dimensions.

procedure Update(DeferralPostBuffer: Record "Deferral Posting Buffer"; InvoicePostBuffer: Record "Invoice Post. Buffer")
Rec := DeferralPostBuffer;
SetRange(Type, DeferralPostBuffer.Type);
SetRange("G/L Account", DeferralPostBuffer."G/L Account");
SetRange("Gen. Bus. Posting Group", DeferralPostBuffer."Gen. Bus. Posting Group");
SetRange("Gen. Prod. Posting Group", DeferralPostBuffer."Gen. Prod. Posting Group");
SetRange("VAT Bus. Posting Group", DeferralPostBuffer."VAT Bus. Posting Group");
SetRange("VAT Prod. Posting Group", DeferralPostBuffer."VAT Prod. Posting Group");
SetRange("Tax Area Code", DeferralPostBuffer."Tax Area Code");
SetRange("Tax Group Code", DeferralPostBuffer."Tax Group Code");
SetRange("Tax Liable", DeferralPostBuffer."Tax Liable");
SetRange("Use Tax", DeferralPostBuffer."Use Tax");
SetRange("Dimension Set ID", DeferralPostBuffer."Dimension Set ID");
SetRange("Job No.", DeferralPostBuffer."Job No.");
SetRange("Deferral Code", DeferralPostBuffer."Deferral Code");
SetRange("Posting Date", DeferralPostBuffer."Posting Date");
SetRange("Partial Deferral", DeferralPostBuffer."Partial Deferral");
SetRange("Deferral Line No.", DeferralPostBuffer."Deferral Line No.");
--- PUBLISHER - So we can customize where and when it should combine lines ---
if FindFirst then begin
Amount += DeferralPostBuffer.Amount;
"Amount (LCY)" += DeferralPostBuffer."Amount (LCY)";
"Sales/Purch Amount" += DeferralPostBuffer."Sales/Purch Amount";
"Sales/Purch Amount (LCY)" += DeferralPostBuffer."Sales/Purch Amount (LCY)";
if not DeferralPostBuffer."System-Created Entry" then
"System-Created Entry" := false;
if IsCombinedDeferralZero then
end else begin
"Entry No." := GetLastEntryNo() + 1;
"Dimension Set ID" := InvoicePostBuffer."Dimension Set ID";
"Global Dimension 1 Code" := InvoicePostBuffer."Global Dimension 1 Code";
"Global Dimension 2 Code" := InvoicePostBuffer."Global Dimension 2 Code";
OnBeforeDeferralPostBufferInsert(Rec, DeferralPostBuffer, InvoicePostBuffer);
Category: Development
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your suggestion. Event requests have to be logged in a different place. Please go here

to create an issue tracking the event request. You can have a look at existing requests for inspiration (basically copying the feedback in this idea should suffice though).

This idea will this be closed as rejected

Business Central R&D team