At the moment Guides does not seem to support a hologram maintaining the exact same position / orientation across multiple steps. We currently need to hand place holograms that need to be in the same location across multiple steps and this leads to small inaccuracies over time.
It would be very useful to have an option to anchor a given hologram that was placed in a particular step and mark that it should maintain visibility and position / orientation through all future steps until it is marked as no longer needed in another step.
I would also like to add the following to my suggestion- after a hologram is marked persistent, it is locked and unmovable in all future steps. The only option available on a persistent hologram outside of the step it was marked persistent is to delete it.
If a user wants to adjust a persistent hologram they can return to the initial step that a hologram was placed and marked consistent, perhaps the task and step number could be listed next to it as reminder. In the initial step where a user has marked a hologram as persistent they can move/rotate/scale the hologram as normal and those changes will propagate forward through all other steps after the initial step.
Category: General
Thank you very much for these steps. This is useful for us but quite cumbersome as it short circuits our usual authoring process.
Usually we generate our entire outline working with subject matter experts on the the PC authoring application, then go out to the actual on site location where the guide will be done and place all the holograms.
The method you described works, but it is quite cumbersome, especially if we later want to add another persistent hologram across multiple steps. We would have to basically rewrite our entire outline.
I think it would be best if there was an option in the headset while in authoring mode. I do not know how the authoring app is built, but if there could be an additional context menu, like the one for selecting styles, that marks a given hologram as "persistent" that would be helpful.
This way I could place a given hologram in an arbitrary step, mark it as "persistent" and that hologram would continue to be in that exact location through all future steps or until I remove it on another arbitrary step. If a hologram marked as "persistent" is deleted in an arbitrary step, all previous steps between me marking it "persistent" and deleting it would contain the hologram in the given location.
I know that I can dynamically add assets to various steps while in the authoring portion of the headset application, so as long as I still have an open slot in a given step, or the same asset in that step it seems like this might be doable.
Thanks again for your assistance and I hope that the Microsoft team working on guides can streamline this process in future iterations.
Category: General
Hi Andrew...thank you for posting this.
If you go to the PC app and right click on a step and select copy it will copy all the holograms and their world positions.
1. Create the step on the PC and add the 3d asset(s)
2. On HL in authoring mode place the 3d asset in world where you want it.
3. Go back to the PC App.
4. Open the guide in outline mode.
5. Right click on the step and select ‘Duplicate’.
6. Go back to HL in Operator mode and view the ‘copied’ step.
7. The 3d asset will be in the exact location from the ‘parent’ step.
8. You can also drag and reorder the duplicated step and all the properties, including world position of 3d assets, will be maintained.
We are working on ways to improve this functionality so please post any feedback and ideas.
Category: General
Can be achieved with current 'copy step' in PC app functionality.