Approval of timesheets can be done by either the approver as set up on the resource card, or the job responsible. When a user is unavailable (out of office) to approve the time sheets, a time sheet admin can approve the time sheets. But that admin is usually a specific user, that you don't necessarily want approving all timesheets!

What is missing is a substitute for each user:
Then when a user is unavailable, their substitute will be able to approve the timesheets the first user is responsible for, but only these and no other timesheets.
Category: General
Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for this suggestion! Currently this is not on our roadmap. We are tracking this idea and if it gathers more votes and comments we will consider it in the future. Best regards, Business Central Team



It's a very good Idera! less burden in Admin

Category: General


Rather than add a new suggestion, related to this would be the ability to have a substitute timesheet owner or the ability to delegate this role as well. In an organisation where not all employees capture their own timesheets, you have admin users that capture timesheets on behalf of other resources. If a user is not available to capture the timesheets then the responsibility falls back on the timesheet administrator. Having a timesheet administrator that can view/edit all resources' timesheets gives them too much access. Having a substitute timesheet owner or ability to delegate timesheet ownership would be very useful.

Category: General


This feature would be very useful indeed. In an organisaiton with many users across different departments, timesheet administrators have too much access as they can see any and all timesheets. Having a substitute approver or ability to delegate the approval to another user would be extremely useful.

Category: General


This really needs to be in the system.We don't want timesheet approvers approving all of the timesheets.

Category: General


Good idea!

Category: General


This needs to be into the system, no brainer

Category: General


Great idea!

Category: General