The new Outbound load planning workbench (replacing the Load planning workbench) does not allow a user to select the specific tags in the sales or transfer line section and build a new load with only these tags. This feature was removed for reasons of performance. 

Now only the sales order line can be selected and the tags must be removed from the side panel before load creation or deleted from the load after creation. This includes the un-reserved quantity of a sales order line as well. I have had reports from a few clients that this will be a large inefficiency to the load build process adding time to each load build. I can foresee many more clients coming forward with this concern as they are forced into utilizing the Outbound load planning workbench. 

Some examples of how this can be problematic are below. 

Scenario 1:

  • Client has sales order for 200,000 pounds.
  • Truckloads cannot be greater than 45,000 to abide by law without additional permits and costs.
  • The efficiency to have the sales lines displayed to the dimension level of batch is key in selecting the specific tags to place on the load. This is not possible with the new Outbound load planning workbench.
  • Additional caveat that many customers require all of one batch before switching to the next.
  • Instead the user must begin load creation and remove the quantity line by line to avoid the tags being added to the load.
  • Or
  • Create the load and go back and delete the unwanted tags.
  • In the case that the sales order is 200,000 pounds and each batch is 2,000, they would have to do this for 77 lines.
  • The reduction in time efficiency and added time to build loads is exponential.
  • This always leaves much more room for human error.

Scenario 2:

  • Client has many sales order line for the same customer with different items.
  • The customer would like a mixture of parts from each sales order to ship.
  • I have 5 sales order lines at 200,000 pounds
  • Each reserved batch is 2,000
  • I now have 500 lines to sift through to remove the undesired batches and get the correct 45,000 pound quantity
  • Now the need is to remove 477 lines.
  • As you can see the above scenario is expanded to a much greater time inefficiency and margin for error


Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback. Currently this is not in our roadmap; however, we are tracking it and if we get more feedback and votes, we may consider it in the future. 

Per Lynnerup
PM, Microsoft 



This removal of splitting the quantity in the outbound load planning workbench is giving great difficulties for several of our customers as well. The functionality of splitting lines in terms of their storage dimensions such as serial number etc. is important both to minimise errors and ease work. I do not understand why this feature was removed.

Imagine you have a sales line of 75 different products, where each product have a distinct serial number. Then 20 of these have been produced and you want to build a specific load just with these 20 products and the distinct serial numbers and ship these. Now you have to create a load for all 75 products and either delete the 55 products you do not want to ship now on the load lines or you have to manually set the quantity to 0 for each 55 lines you do not want to add to the load before creating it. It reduces the flexibility of sending partial deliveries from sales orders and is a lot more time consuming to create the correct load.

Before in the load building workbench, the sales line with a quantity of 75 where split into 75 lines, each line with their unique serial number and then you could quickly filter on the serial numbers of the 20 products you wanted to build a load for in this moment and add these 20 lines to the same load. Now you have to go through all 55 products and set the quantity to 0 before creating the load.

Category: Warehouse Management