Sometimes product labels (that contain product number, product name, bar code) are falling off or get wet or distroyed during warehouse processes. In such situations, it would be nice to be able to print a product label whenever is necessary through the handheld device.
This functinality exists today but only connected to outbound or inbound processes, not when ever an existing label needs to be replaced. There is also another functionality to print pallet ID but is not the same thing. Some products are not on pallets, and need a product label (not pallet label).
We customized the item inquiry mobile device menu item with configuration to do this. We have a specific document routing layout and added a toggle for print hangtag and a field with a drop down list of valid document routing layouts to use. We also added a printing limit because we had a few people scan the next barcode instead of entering the quantity of labels to print. We had to clear our print queues because we didn't need 9 billion hangtags.
Category: Warehouse Management
See also
Category: Warehouse Management