Hi Microsoft,


I have a customer who wishes for a function to select more recipients when creating a new mail in the Add-in.

She wants to be able to look up a certain dimension or company and then see a list of everyone that’s connected to the dimension/company and then select multiple people on this list.



She is a manager for a company that manages and rents out cottages for other people. The owners can rent out their cottage through her company, then they handle everything from payment to cleaning.

In her Business Central she has registered contacts under a dimension called the House/Address. This way she can look up a house and then get a list of all the contacts connected to this house (could be an email and number for the dad, mom, sister, uncle and so on). When the manager sends out some information or invoices to the houses, she sends it to multiple people, to be sure everyone sees it.


Wanted function:

When you want to create a new email in Outlook, you can use the Business Central Add-in to see all the contacts you have in your BC. When selecting one of these contacts their email is automatically entered into the mail window, and you can see their information in the side. But this way you can only select one recipients pr email, unless you choose to manually enter more emails. Her wish is to select a house/company, get a list of all the people that are connected to it and then select more than one on this list. Once they are selected, their emails are automatically entered into the receiver field of the email.

Category: General
Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for this suggestion! Currently this is not on our roadmap. We are tracking this idea and if it gathers more votes and comments we will consider it in the future. Best regards, Business Central Team



Very good idea, would be nice if Microsoft looks into this.

Category: General