Every AX and 365 client I have worked for has asked for the ability to print financial dimensions on generated reports, not just filter by them. Users have asked to specify a column, let's say business unit, to populate next to main account. I know you can hard code a filter to be equal to a certain BU, but you can't create a column for account, a column for BU, and then have FR print the actual BU code and amount for each combination of account and BU it finds in 365. Example: Account Bus Unit $ Amount 1000 A 250.00 1000 B 300.00 1000 C 50.00 This is required in segment reporting in financial statements, but this is not supported. It's a glaring omission and should be corrected.

Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback.

Currently this is not in our roadmap; however, we are tracking it and if we get more feedback and votes, we may consider it in the future.


Ryan Sandness,





Yes, it is a glaring gap, like many others with the standard 'Management Reporter' based financial reporting.
In this case it is obviously necessary to be able to design reports that support all required actual dimension combinations and do not break when e.g. a new financial dimension value is used on a transaction.
In this sense it should work like in Excel pivot tables or Power BI.
But those do not support the required asymmetric structured reports with row/column/cell specific calculations (centrally manged and reusable from D365). Excel cube formulas alone are not business user friendly and cannot support all typical requirements (e.g. consolidation hierarchies).
So basically, there is a major gap with financially consolidated yet capable reporting and analysis. Not to mention financial planning and write-back scenarios...

Category: Financial reporting