Once the invoice is paid, the VAT information must be included in the SII report. However, the system doesn’t update the information reported when the invoice is registered.
We expect a new message item line to generate when the “GenerateMessageItem” is activated. The line should have at least the following information:
· Processing (control name: ItemsGroup_Processing): SII
· Message item type (control name: ItemsGroup_ItemType): PagosProveedor
· Message item status (control name: ItemsGroup_ItemStatus): Creado
We understand this new item will be managed inside the system page with the “EvaluationFields” and the “GenerateMessageVP” actions, in case of vendor invoice.
We expect something similar to the intracommunity operations process: the generation of a second item related to the FacturasProveedores document. But, in this case, the document should generate after the payment of the invoice and should include the VAT information.