The most recent update to the Mobile App puts Activities in some sort of schedule view, with scheduled activities showing on every day between the creation and due date of the activity. This is a bit cluttery and not very useful. It's lead to some confusion for our team members. It would be nice if we at least could have the option to just list the activities in a traditional view. This would be much quicker and more simple.
Needs Votes



A calendar-based view is fine as an option, but should not be the forced view. The date that activities are scheduled is a lower priority than the task itself, and as it stands now all the tasks show up side by side, and if they are overdue they don�t show up at all once the date has passed. ALSO, there�s no way to edit the date in the mobile activity view after it�s been set. It disappears completely from the view.

Category: Unified Experience: Search, navigation and performance