Currently, you don't have the Spending limit or the Approval limit available in the "Stop condition". It is very limiting that you can set up the spending and approval limits but you cannot use it the same way as the purchase requisition. http://dynamicsnavax.blogspot.com.au/2018/04/add-spendingapproval-limit-to-purchase.html

Under Review
Ideas Administrator

Appreciate you taking the time to submit the product suggestion. We will monitor the votes and other feedback to consider in future backlog.
Lachlan Cash – Principal Program Manager - Microsoft



I am also wondering if there is no possibility to react on the spending limits for purchase orders when creating a purchase order workflow.I would have expected that I would be able to trigger an automatic approval or a decision based on the purchase order amount an the spending limit of the employee (as it is possible in purchase requisition workflows). But unfortunately I donĀ“t get the necessary fields in the selection.

Category: Procurement and Sourcing


Yes, and in activation criteria of the workflow, so you can have different workflows depending on the spending limit of the submitter, like in PR.

Category: Procurement and Sourcing


Yes, in stop condition, and also in the queries for the worklow, so that if the origintor has a certain spending limit and purchase order total is within the limit, the wf is automatically approved.

Category: Procurement and Sourcing