The issue relates to the allocation of Operation numbers on BOM lines. If these BOM lines are classed as phantoms (or are below phantoms) in the multi-level BOM structure then the link to Operation number is lost if the phantoms don’t have routes (and the route is added to the top level item). The top level production orders re-allocates these BOM lines to the first operation 

Many businesses use phantoms to represent a logical breakdown of materials in an assembly rather than strict sub-assembles that are constructed at the start of an assembly routing. As a business we have modified this functionality for many clients and an option to 'roll-up' the operation number for BOM lines to the production order BOM lines would be a useful addition to standard functionality.

As Microsoft have comments on support Issue 3948704 - By design

Microsoft has evaluated this issue and determined that this functionality is working as designed. 

As it is today, the operations of the phantom are operations to be performed in the beginning of the route of the finished good.

If the phantom has own operations (an active route version associated to the phantom) the operations of that Route are inserted at the beginning of the parent route and the BOM lines are allocated to the operations in the relative sequence of the operations.

If the phantom does NOT have any own operations, all BOM lines are allocated to the FIRST operation of the parent route.

Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback.

Currently this is not in our roadmap; however, we are tracking it and if we get more feedback and votes, we may consider it in the future.


Johan Hoffmann 





I have just been instructed to stop using phantoms in BOM because the "Routing become full of junk"The Routing posts the phantom items to the top of the list. We just want it to be parts of the parents assembly routing, as a phantom.This suggestion would solve this problem.

Category: Production Control