If default advanced find view for any entity contains fields from related entity or have "presence" enabled (additional email field) query editor adds additional link nodes for related fields in FetchXml query.

Since Advanced Find tool for Dynamic marketing list of Report filter don't have view selection or edit fields functions it's impossible to delete additional links. This behavior causes a number of errors:

For reports:
Table alias XYZ is not unique amongst all top-level table and join aliases

For lists:
The column, fetchxml, has invalid fetch. Error : Number of link entities in query exceeded maximum limit

Could not find relationship for related entity field a_5efcc234dd3d434a8ff2b75a6d45fd76.address1_telephone1 specified in layoutxml

Could not find alias of field in fetchxml. Fieldname: a_5efcc234dd3d434a8ff2b75a6d45fd76.address1_telephone1

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