Test of incoming invoice creation by data import using Data Management Framework

-> Invoice charges could not be imported

System: D365 F&O (v10.0.19)

Could not find any possibility to import information about charges on header or lines of incoming invoices.

Incoming invoices are imported by import project at Data Management module with following data entities:

Vendor Invoice Header
Vendor Invoice Line
Vendor invoice document attachment
-> data package "Vendor Invoice Import"

But we could not find any fields at these data entities where to store and transfer information about charge positions existing for invoice header or invoice lines.
Maybe there exists a further data entity for this kind of information but we could not find an accordant one.
We found only default data entities for charges on purchase orders (header & line level) but not for related incoming invoices.
If there´s no default data entity existing it would be very well to get an accordant one in future.
Ideas Administrator

The charges entity is included in recent release.