Often you need to have a long sequence in CJ, in case that there are repetitive steps, it will be very useful to have a go-to command for tile to a tile. This could be a tile or simply a line that your draw from a step to a step.

Here is an example
You send in invitation email to an event then you have trigger tile Registered ? Yes or No
- If Yes, you send confirmation, then a reminder to attended, then an attend trigger, then survey
email, the survey completion trigger then reminder, then actions.
- If no , you send a reminder email then a trigger for registrations, but then you must repeat all the steps above in the Yes route. The solution is to be able to draw a line after registration trigger Yes to the first process and not repeat the all the steps again.

I have a process picture that could explain this very easy if there is a way to attach it here
Ideas Administrator


We released a feature in May 2023 that covers this "repeating" scenario: https://learn.microsoft.com/dynamics365/marketing/real-time-marketing-enhanced-journey-reminders

Thank you for your feedback!

PM, Microsoft