The "Find Prices" inquiry, when accessed from the menu path Sales and Marketing/ Prices and Discounts, needs several usability improvements:
1) When first accessed from the menu, there should be no prices on the screen until you enter a customer or item. Currently, the prices from the first released product in the legal entity are being displayed (alphabetically by item number).
2) The user should be able to enter any of the input fields in the order they like and not be required to click the refresh icon. Tab or Enter should be sufficient. Currently if you enter the item before the customer, or if you change the quantity, you have to click the refresh icon to get accurate results. Users don't always know to do this, which leads to inaccurate interpretation of the results or distrust of the feature entirely. Entering the customer before the item, or changing the date, do not require the refresh, which is how it should work for all four input fields.
3) When the two buttons are used to view sales or discount trade agreements, only the item criteria (item number, groups it is in, or “All”) is applied in the query result. Customer criteria should also be considered in the filter (Customer number, groups it is in, or “All”)
Administrator on 5/2/2023 9:32:24 AM
Thank you very much for your input. We do not have any plans to extend this capability, we will however continue to monitor how much in demand such a capability is.